Orlando Project Manager Hunter Linneburg Elected to FWCCA Board of Directors
We are honored to recognize our own Hunter Linneburg who has been elected to the Board of Directors for the Florida Wall & Ceiling Contractors Association (FWCCA).
This achievement reflects not only Hunter’s professionalism and reputation within our industry, but also KHS&S’s long-standing commitment to fostering leadership within the company.
Hunter will initially serve a three-year term, which could be extended through future committee assignments.
Hunter joined KHS&S in May 2018 and is a project manager in the Orlando office, where he has completed major projects for the healthcare, hospitality and entertainment markets.
“I’m honored to join the board of an organization that has such a long history of promoting the wall and ceiling construction trades in Florida,” says Linneburg. “I look forward to making a positive contribution to the association and to our industry.”
For more than 40 years, the FWCCA has promoted and helped protect free enterprise systems within the construction industry in Florida. The association also strives to advance honorable relationships between and among businesses in Florida’s wall and ceiling industry.